A blog on computer science and other stream of consciousness things.

(Picture taken in Δονούσα, Greece)

a short distance ahead

CAV'2017: Verifying Equivalence of Spark Programs

30 Oct 2017
Verification Research

There was an interesting research article on verifying equivalences between Spark programs at this year’s conference on Computer Aided Verification.


Chosing Friday

24 Oct 2017
Jekyll Blog

Still in setup-mode for the blog. The next step was to chose a theme. There are a lot of beautiful designs out there, but I was looking for something fairly minimalistic without being too dry. I opted for a recent design: friday-theme by Simon Freytag. I love the fonts which are not too big but still legible, and the two-column design.


Syntax highlighting is fun

22 Oct 2017
Hack Markdown Coq

I hope to talk about theorem proving from time to time. Since my tool of choice has been the Coq proof assistant, I thought I should find a way to display Coq code in these pages.


Welcome to 'a short distance ahead'

21 Oct 2017

So I finally decided to give blogging a try.

A blog on computer science and other stream of consciousness things.

(Picture taken in Δονούσα, Greece)