A blog on computer science and other stream of consciousness things.

(Picture taken in Δονούσα, Greece)

a short distance ahead

The name of the blog is inspired by a quote from Alan Turing’s 1950 article Computing machinery and intelligence:

We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.

This blog is mostly about computer science research. I’ll be talking about topics that I’m interested in, with a focus on databases, programming languages and verification. As the name of the blog implies, the idea is not to look too far ahead so posts should generally be accessible to anyone with a background in computer science.

One motivation came from spending time on the many interesting and well written economics blogs out there. I may post a link or a comment about those from time to time. As a matter of fact, the idea of using a famous quote was inspired by Tony Yates’ very nice longandvariable.

The blog is built using Jekyll with a theme adapted from Simon Freytag’s friday-theme.

A blog on computer science and other stream of consciousness things.

(Picture taken in Δονούσα, Greece)